विस्मयादिबोधक की परिभाषा ( Vismayaadibodhak ki Paribhasha / Definition ) What is vismayaadibodhak in Hindi? जिन शब्दों से शोक, विस्मय, घृणा, आश्चर्य आदि भाव व्यक्त हो उसे विस्मयादिबोधक कहते हैं । Interjection English Definition : Words like (the feeling of grief, astonishment, distress, surprise etc.) /(Shok, Vismay, ghrana, aashcharya) are expressed that are called Interjection. Vismayaadibodhak ke bhed / prakar in hindi language - There are Six types of Bodhak / Interjection. Vismay Bodhak, Ghruna / Tiraskaar Bodhak, Sweekruti Bodhak, Bhay Bodhak, Harsh Bodhak, Sambodhan Bodkhak with Its meaning & example are described below : Some Kinds of Interjection are fear cognitive, Grief cognitive,Addressing cognitive,Acceptance cognitive. विस्मयादिबोधक को छः प्रकार से व्यक्त किया गया है । विस्मय बोधक (Vismay Bodhak) : उदाहरण: अरे, आप कौन हो ! शोक बोधक (Shok Bhodhak) : उदाहरण: हे राम, यह कैसे हुआ ! घृणा या तिरस्कार बोधक (Ghruna / Tiraskaar bodhak) : उदाहरण: धिक्का
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